Royal Copenhagen
Royal Copenhagen was founded in 1775. Ever since, its products have been produced with a profound respect for tradition and the highest standards of craftsmanship
Royal Copenhagen is known worldwide for its Danish identity, and is famous for both maintaining and reinventing the traditions of its classic hand-made and hand-painted blue and white porcelain.
A visit to Royal Copenhagen’s flagship store, which since 1911 has stood in one of Copenhagen’s oldest and most beautiful Renaissance buildings, takes you on a voyage into a world of porcelain.
The actual building, which dates from 1616, is also an attraction in its own right. Here you’ll find the complete collection of hand-painted gift articles and dinnerware, including the Flora Danica, one of the world’s most prestigious and luxurious dinner services whose hand-painted motifs feature Nordic flowers and plants from the Flora Danica encyclopedia.
When you buy a piece of Royal Copenhagen porcelain you’re also buying a piece of Denmark’s royal history, plus art and design that embodies centuries-long traditions of craftsmanship and painting skills
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